Customer survey

Thank you for taking a moment to complete our short customer survey. We always try to improve our service and your answers will help us to do that. If there are any issues raised in the survey that you’d like to find out more about, do email or call us on 0117 932 7812.

1. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being very dissatisfied, and 10 being very satisfied, how happy are you with:

2. How important is Search Engine Optimisation to you – i.e. being found on Google by prospects for relevant search phrases?

3. How important to you is the option of having a free redesign every two years?

4. How useful do you find the secure document exchange facility included free with your site?

5. In your practice, do you use any of the following online accounting packages:

6. In your practice, do you use any of the following social media platforms?

7. Do you have a firm mobile app?

8. Are there any features of the website service that you don’t fully understand and would like more help with?

9. Are there any features you'd like to see added to the service?

10. Would you recommend our service to others?

If your answer is NO please explain why not

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