Frequently asked questions

If your question isn't answered here please feel to use our live chat facility or contact us.

Ordering, costs and contract

The minimum term is 12 months. Thereafter, you will have a 30 day notice period.

Sometimes clients transfer to us from another website provider and find they are tied in to a lengthy notice period, perhaps as long as six months.

In these cases you can order with us, hand in your notice to your current provider and let us know the date the period expires. We'll begin building your new site straight away and you can switch over whenever you like, but we won't begin your 12 month minimum term or payments until your current notice period expires.

For our standard package, everything is included in the monthly cost, including hosting, questionnaire-led design, copywriting, content, features, secure document exchange, SEO for five phrases and the email newswire.

There are some payable add-on options:

  • Mailshot Manager - this enables you to create your own HTML email-shots whenever you like in addition to our free monthly, Budget and Autumn Statement newswires.
  • Extra SEO phrases - our clients are entitled to 5 phrases of the managed searchPHRASE SEO service provided by accountantSEO. More phrases can be bought at £60+VAT per month per 5 phrases.

By default all our customers pay by monthly Direct Debit.

If you would prefer to pay in another way, contact us to discuss and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Content-only solutions

Yes, we can offer a resources-only package, where you can effectively 'plug in' our tax and business content, news and features to a site which is otherwise hosted by a third party.

Technically, this can be delivered in a number of ways, including a full API.

Build and design

For our standard service, we will talk to you in order to understand your requirements. This allows us to create a website brief, sitemap and wireframe which we send to you for approval, this provides the basis for us to build your website.

Our editorial team will put together suggested copy and email it to you in a Word file, which you can edit and return to us. You can also make text changes at any time after the site is live, free of charge.

Once you've approved the basic design idea and copy we'll build a working demo version. You can view and provide feedback on this and communicate with our designers until you are happy with the look and layout. We'll then put your site into production and we'll add in all the content until you're ready to go live.

If you are opting for our consultancy package, we will visit your offices in the first instance to get to know your firm and put together a custom site spec, and the build will follow a similar process thereafter.

This very much depends on you, the customer, and how long you take to complete the questionnaire and respond to the design and text ideas we send you. However, the average time is about six weeks.

Yes, if you have placed your order with us and would prefer a simple holding page with your contact details to your current site while your new website is in build, we can do this for you - usually with no charge.

Yes, as long as you own the copyright to your design we can replicate it as closely as possible. Please note that it is very likely that we will need to edit parts of your design if you wish to take full advantage of our responsive platform, because when designing we need to bear in mind usability for phone, tablet and desktop views.

Yes, if you don't want us to write brand new text for you, then as long as you own the copyright we can copy and paste any text you want to keep, as well as suggesting tweaks and improvements.

Yes, we often work with external designers and if you wish to use your own design agency rather than our in-house designers we can nearly always accommodate this.

However, we will need to speak with your designer before we begin the process to ensure that their work is fully compatible with our mobile responsive platform, and also to ascertain whether the spec falls within the bounds of our standard package.

Functionality and applications

Yes, we can include any videos you have had made in your site design. Usually there will be no charge.

Yes, we can easily add in social media buttons or feeds to your site at no extra charge.

Yes, most of our sites have a registration page to enable firms to collect contact information from clients and prospects, so that they can receive the monthly email newsletters and other mailings. We can also build custom forms if you wish to create a more sophisticated contact system.

Yes, we can link to or embed log-in areas for most third-party applications, e.g. Iris Opensource, Xero. Just talk to us about what you wish to use.

Going live/domain/hosting

You should register your domain name (e.g. exampleandco.co.uk or smithandjones.com.) yourself. There are many domain hosting providers available - just do a web search on 'domain name registration'. It is a simple process to find an available name, register and pay for it. The cost is generally very low - less than £4 per annum for most .co.uk domains.

We can provide advice, but it is better if you pay for and manage your own domain name.

We build your new site on our servers, then when you're happy with it and ready to make it live on the web in place of your current site or holding page, you instruct your domain host to point your domain's 'A-record' to our server. It's usually a simple process and we will help with this.

No, any email addresses you have with your domain name, e.g. mike@exampleandco.co.uk, will not be affected by us making your site live.

You need to have one main domain, but there is no limit to how many additional web addresses can redirect to your website

Ongoing changes

To make changes to your site at any time just email our support team via support@practicetrackonline.co.uk You can also call us on 0800 181 343.

Internet technology moves fast, and it's unavoidable that even the best sites do start to look dated eventually.

That's why we've introduced the Design Guarantee. This means that you're entitled to an optional free redesign every two years. That's two years after your initial order, and then every two years after your previous redesign, under the same terms as your initial free design in our standard service. It's completely free, but you will be tied in to your contract for 12 months after the redesign going live.

Whereas other providers or local designers will charge you great sums - perhaps thousands of pounds - to redesign a site that now looks old, we simply remove the problem of sites getting dated altogether.

Email newsletters

Contacts can be added in a number of ways. You can upload en masse from a spreadsheet, which is usually the best way when you first start using the newswire.

Thereafter you can add them one at a time in your contact management system. Users can also register themselves via a form on your site.

Removing or unsubscribing contacts can also be easily done in the contact management system, and recipients can unsubscribe themselves via a link in the email newsletter itself.

You can ask us to help with any contact management issues by emailing support@practicetrackonline.co.uk

There is no upper limit as such to how many contacts you can send to, as long as they are legitimate contacts. Our systems have safeguards against unusually large bulk-loads of contacts in order to prevent spamming, but we will help you if there are any such issues.

We provide a special Budget newswire, which is sent out the morning after Budget Day. There is a similar special for the Spring Statement. There is no extra charge for this service.

Via our system you can send a branded HTML eCard to your contacts sending Christmas wishes/Season's Greetings and informing them of your opening hours over the holiday period.

You can choose from a range of designs. The service is free but we do ask for a charitable donation.

You can do this with the Mailshot Manager feature - which costs £20+VAT per month and allows you to send your own targeted HTML emails whenever you like.

Email support@practicetrackonline.co.uk for more information.

Up to 10GB of storage is included in our standard package. You can buy further tranches of storage/users (10GB plus 200 users) for £20 per month per tranche.

You can upgrade within the accSEND secure messaging app to include digital signatures. This feature costs £20 per month.


We think this is the wrong question! There is little point in being in the number one position on Google for a phrase if nobody is searching for it; or if the people searching for it are not relevant to your business.

The right question is: how can I make my website visible on the search engines to viable prospective clients for my firm?

This is where we can help you - see more about our SEO services.

We find it is counter-productive to have two separate SEO providers simultaneously working on the same website - so we will only work on sites that we are exclusively optimising. However, if you would rather continue using your current SEO providers we are happy to carry out changes as per their instructions - it's just that we won't do any additional SEO work ourselves.

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